Commission Actions & Alerts
On an ongoing basis, the IAAC Commission has in place a variety of policies, procedures and information gathering mechanisms to monitor its accredited schools. We do this to assure students, regulators to whom we are responsible and the public at large of continuous institutional compliance with accrediting standards and requirements.
Our ability to monitor IAAC schools allows the Commission to maintain its position as a reliable authority on instructional quality and integrity in aviation career training, and is the foundation of the decisions and determinations we reach that a school is worthy of IAAC accreditation. As is typical in all of higher education accreditation, the IAAC is no different in that our actions are derived through careful review and consideration of applications for accreditation, self-evaluation reports, annual reports, substantive change applications and reports, financial reports, complaints, information from government agencies and reliable third parties, interim on-site evaluations, and other verifiable sources.
The Commission has within its Standards, policies and practices a series of actions with which it can employ to monitor compliance of its applicant and accredited schools on an ongoing basis. These are found on the Forms and Documents page of this website. Look for document S - IAAC Policy on Commission Actions on Initial and Renewal of Accreditation.
The IAAC Commission meets at various intervals throughout the year, with notice and opportunity for schools and the public to comments and provide information pertinent to the agenda at hand. We do this through Alerts, announcements and a Call-for-Comment process to allow for receipt of information that may assist in its deliberations.
Periodically, the Commission reviews and updates its Standards, Forms, Reports and Documents to ensure that they collect the information necessary to evaluate and ensure ongoing institutional quality and integrity.
The IAAC on a periodic basis conducts a Reliability and Validity Study of its Standards and Procedures. We do this to examine the consistency in the training of our staff, Commissioners and volunteers to demonstrate to ensure that the application of the standards is fair and impartial so that the Commission’s judgement is rendered on a consistent basis.
Accreditation Alerts for 2024 and 2025
The following documents are out for review and comment to stakeholders and interested parties. Please direct comments to the IAAC Executive Director at These draft documents will remain as drafts until the Commission has reviewed timely comments and makes adjustments as appropriate prior to final release.